a Room without Walls


Tom Bell
    Five Works

Tom Bell

At the Twist

At the twist of the millenium around the final

violet campfire on the darkling seventh plateau 

under redwoods seven mandarins sat. They 

constantly honed and revised the language and 

the discourse. They sought purity. They 

abstracted essentials. The samurai came. The 

samurai cut to the quick with earthy and fragrant 

mud found along the way. 

Bada Shanren drew curlicues of carp and 

lotus blossoms between. He was psychotic so 

they said. He wrote gave it out that way to 

preserve his line. He sealed crimson and 

verdantly some insignificant and confusing 

schizophrenic frenetic scrawls in the dust.

Or, then again, he might have twisted it the 

other way.

Bada Shanren (1626 - 1705)

A Dark Action

could be cashing 

in the old savings booklette

of the soul,


casting a skein

of tulled mullen on 

too Muddy Waters.


mining under

her all too precarious

hold on reality.

Dark Conditional

If I stop will I end?

If I stop will the pain?

If I stop the pain?

If I were to stop will

I be here if I were

to wear the pain if I

were to stop the pain

your pain would I end

if I were to be me if

No. If I stop I will end

the pain If I stop I

will be me if

Yes. If I stop will I end?

If I stop will the pain?

If I stop the pain?

If I were to stop will

I be here if I were

to wear the pain if I

were to stop the pain

your pain would I end

if I were to be me if

No. If I stop I will end

the pain If I stop I

will be me if

I were to end your pain.

If I were to stop the pain

If I were to wear the pain

would I be here

if I were to stop

if I stop the pain?

If I stop will I end?

If I stop will the pain?

If I stop the pain.

Balloon strings extend or intend.

Missing in Action B

as pruience cuts both ways 

so prudence is in the proof 

distant sterile words 

don't say

a brush of the shadow whispers 

unrelenting sorrow 

and melancholy 

I live in the midst, in the mixt 

but can't speak it

I am the spin doctor 

I write the score 

where do we go round? 

I am not the doctor. 

I am me. 

but there are the things we do 

Beyond my grasp 

the balloons are 

Beyond my grasp 

the balloons are 

right now 

Menace lurks beyond the curtins 

and lace decimates her face 

Honkytonk Rambles didn't know 

how to say.

Got a Hallmark 

but there are the things we do 

The curve of my mind loops back again.

Missing in Action G

prurience is to be forgotten 

prudery covers all she has said 

oceanic bowels know no limit my storage 

for depression, the abyss 

mall I shop without list of purchases 

secrete what I know, hide my desires 

The one who has hardly made his mark 

on the world. You are like a small,

slim shadow. To speak perchance would 

dare destiny, to be or notification. 

at the end of my life do I still want to bear 

the emptiness I've stored through the years 

life sentences sentence death 

Why is the river always emptying? 

empty seats reflect sound, while an audience absorbs. 

     How empty my life to this point.

               '"Let's go."

           They do not move'.

           Waiting for Godot.


The curve of my mind loops back again.
Works in this Room copyright © 2001 by Tom Bell


Copyright © 1995-2001 Ted Warnell. All Rights Reserved