w a r n e l l . c o m . n e w . m e d i a . n e t w o r k  

Mona Lisa Lives Here
non-linear da vinci code dynamics
t.warnell © 2012-2020

                            2 0 2 0


                            201228  Mona Lisa Lives Here No More
                                      Mona Lisa has left the building

                            201226  The Word
                            201225  The Ghosts of AI
                            201217  Atomic Albers
                            201216  Code Poet's Window 5
                            201215  Word for/Word
                            201207  The Cloud (3)
                            201206  Code Poet's Window 4
                            201206  Polytechnique Montréal
                            201205  Phosphene
                            201128  at: Artificial Telepathy
                            201128  #TRENDING 26
                            201127  R U O K
                            201127  FTW WTF
                            201122  #TRENDING 25
                            201122  #TRENDING 24
                            201120  Black Hole, comma
                            201117  Atomic Zygote
                            201116  I••VEXIVLE H••
                            201115  Some People
                            201114  everything is under control
                            201112  Cathedral 2
                            201112  Cathedral
                            201110  RBD-47-0-10
                            201109  #TRENDING 23
                            201101  Code Poet's Window 3
                            201029  Three Season Canopy
                            201027  The Second Wave
                            201026  TAPER template 3
                            201025  Welcome to the 'neath text
                            201022  TAPER template 2
                            201020  American Dream 8
                            201018  TAPER template 1
                            201018  The TAPER Caper
                            201018  TAPER #1-5: works 2
                            201017  TAPER #1-5: works
                            201013  Dark Crusader
                            201012  canopy world
                            201012  To the Point
                            201010  Two Way Mirror
                            201008  Luminous Canopy
                            201008  Dada, yaya
                            201005  Sound of Reason
                            201002  #TRENDING 22: Get well soon
                            200929  The Grove
                            200928  Cloud, Castle, Lake
                            200926  Canopy 9
                            200926  Kyle@Eight
                            200924  Rosettes
                            200922  HOME
                            200920  Bloor Street W
                            200919  Wildflower
                            200917  Gender Splendour
                            200913  Sunspot Baby
                            200911  Mona Lisa Lives Here 5
                            200910  Winter Canopy
                            200910  Electric Canopy
                            200909  Watermelon Grapefruit Clock
                            200907  Days we wait for
                            200901  Winterberries
                            200831  Two Seasons
                            200830  The Core
                            200825  Canopy 6
                            200824  if x & y
                            200823  Larry's Jitters
                            200823  Dedicated to
                            200821  The BACE
                            200815  Butterfly Alphabet
                            200810  It's Karma, baby
                            200806  Rick Came Home
                            200804  Selfie
                            200802  Summer Sails
                            200731  Rick, brother
                            200730  swallowZ: soar
                            200728  Prairie Storm
                            200725  BRUCE
                            200725  Title is BLOP, too
                            200722  Title is BLOP
                            200718  Transmutation of Lot'z Wife V
                            200717  artifactZ
                            200716  SETI Skies 2
                            200714  American Dream 7
                            200713  American Dream BLM
                            200712  Slick Rick
                            200707  The Owl
                            200704  Let Me Stand
                            200702  Twitcher
                            200701  SETI Skies
                            200630  Book of Blood 1.0
                            200629  #TRENDING 21: Dancing Cops
                            200628  Monarch Canopy
                            200627  Mona in Gold
                            200626  Summer 2020
                            200625  Moons of Jupiter 15
                            200625  The Albers Aberrations
                            200624  Rust Connections
                            200624  Mona Lisa Lives Here 4
                            200623  Code Poet's Window 2
                            200621  Salisbury Solstice
                            200619  Strange Times
                            200618  Green+ Energy
                            200616  Ripples x_C19
                            200614  ICU: twitch
                            200614  Butterfly Frequency 8: Deco Gold
                            200612  Cyclopsurveillance
                            200610  American Canopy
                            200610  Electric Butterfly '67
                            200610  ALINEARITY
                            200609  WEAR A MASK
                            200609  Girl, Swimsuit
                            200608  Period of Time
                            200606  Albers, Riley & Banksy
                            200604  Little Bang
                            200604  C O M M A T S
                            200602  #TRENDING 20: Black Lives Matter
                            200526  The Electric Zygote
                            200523  The Resurrection of Jack
                            200522  Synaptic Tock
                            200520  American Dream Revisited
                            200513  Canopy 3
                            200507  Kenzie @5
                            200503  Machine Vision R
                            200502  Butterfly Jelly
                            200430  sexxxxxxxxxyyxxy
                            200425  firefly
                            200424  Atomicorona Clock
                            200423  'OP #5.
                            200423  The Timekeeper
                            200421  NOVA SCOTIA STRONG
                            200419  The NewZ
                            200415  Quantum Yrral
                            200412  Fallout
                            200409  Easter 2020
                            200407  .ca <3 .us
                            200406  mtrX 2:2 in 8 v.7
                            200403  Compilation
                            200327  C O V I D - 1 9
                            200325  EPICENTER-A
                            200323  Ghost RiderZ
                            200321  ITALIA
                            200321  Philosophy
                            200314  White Rider
                            200311  or: Dr. Strangelove
                            200304  Timepiece for Jim
                            200229  Larry th Tour Gu/de Presents
                            200225  Sketches of Larry
                            200208  Corona V: mutation
                            200204  Corona V
                            200203  Quoting Castaneda/Lightyear
                            200131  Binary Corona
                            200130  PbN is Viral
                            200120  Everyone is talking
                            200104  Pennsylmania
                            2 0 1 9
                            191010  MARKO NIEMI
                            191005  STITSWIGGL
                            190925  PROCESS PRODUCT
                            2 0 1 8
                            181231  verse re:verse
                            181231  S E E D
                            181213  HOZONE
                            181210  ORGANYX
                            181127  Heart Again
                            181115  Bugs
                            181110  Bad Guy
                            181107  Four by Five
                            181104  PbN monoShades
                            181104  Stones Stories
                            181029  Machine Vision 12: Ouroboros
                            181028  Day & Night / POW
                            181023  Walkbot for Michael Snow
                            181022  C21H30O2 v.2
                            181021  C21H30O2
                            181021  PbN 1978-2018
                            181020  Quantum Quaos
                            181015  Sketches
                            181014  WOT2018
                            181013  O CANNABIS
                            181011  Tomorrow Today
                            181008  Machine Vision 11
                            181004  x PeBieN
                            181003  Picasso's Point
                            181002  The Prepared Piano
                            180930  Two girls on a motorcycle
                            180927  Clobvio
                            180926  TWINAVirus
                            180926  The Word Virus
                            180926  WSB 6.1
                            180925  Polly Pupae Propylene
                            180921  ai: M2ML
                            180920  Synaptic Soup
                            180916  pbnum100 - Machine Vision
                            180915  GRöETL 2018
                            180913  The Lost Supper v.2
                            180912  The Lost Supper
                            180911  Lost Supper Sketch V
                            180911  Lost Supper Sketch IV
                            180911  Lost Supper Sketch III
                            180911  Lost Supper Sketch II
                            180911  Lost Supper Sketch
                            180906  Cat Defending A Staircase
                            180904  Janie's Got A Gun
                            180903  Cat Ballou Puzzle
                            180826  Christopher Pratt: Drift
                            180824  Chasing the Dragon
                            180823  Equitable Disparity
                            180816  #TRENDING 19: Predator Priest
                            180814  The Good Egg
                            180813  Tousignant's Seizure
                            180813  Quantum Quackers
                            180812  Cloud Seeding
                            180811  Monroe
                            180806  Acid Rain, Australia
                            180801  You're So Bad
                            180731  #TRENDING 18: mudterms
                            180727  Houdini's Hanky
                            180727  Blood Moon Movie
                            180719  New Moons of Jupiter
                            180717  Ralph's Buzz
                            180716  Hot Day in July
                            180708  Readers
                            180701  Dali in the Round
                            180630  Bikini Vision
                            180626  Machine Vision X
                            180625  Machine Vision 9
                            180623  Moon in the Man
                            180619  Larry Recollection #1
                            180619  Red-action
                            180618  Blood of the Rose
                            180616  Hey Donald, build THIS wall
                            180615  The Souls Collector
                            180614  BUTTERFLYQUAKE
                            180613  Nine Photographs
                            180611  Butterfly Frequency 7: monarch
                            180611  The Saga of Shirl
                            180610  Trmpstr in the Dmpstr
                            180609  Butterfly Frequency 6: swallow
                            180607  Butterfly Frequency 5: swallow
                            180606  ACGT: swallow
                            180604  Poem by Numbers 99
                            180601  Reclining Woman in Gold & Green
                            180510  Return of the Alobe
                            180508  a Gathering of Rains
                            180503  Albers' Unborn Daughters
                            180502  Poem by Numbers 98
                            180502  Poem by Numbers 97
                            180427  Breathe
                            180426  Moon Moiré 2
                            180426  Moon Moiré 1
                            180425  Film Moiré
                            180425  Two Poets
                            180425  The Pointillist's Sketchbook
                            180425  Opticology
                            180424  Biology
                            180424  Electric Leaf 2
                            180423  Six Masters
                            180423  Machine Vision 8: ICU
                            180422  This Bud's For You, Mr. Albers
                            180422  Electric Leaf
                            180421  Proudly Canadian
                            180421  Greenleaf Energy 2
                            180421  Greenleaf Energy 1
                            180420  It's 4:20 somewhere
                            180419  Prairie
                            180419  Moons of Jupiter 13
                            180418  5,000 Thoughts of You & Me
                            180415  Moscoso's Windows
                            180414  Agent Nerve
                            180412  Larry @ Butterfly Frequency
                            180409  AI.ML.M2M/f v.3
                            180408  AI.ML.M2M/f v.2
                            180408  Go Fish
                            180407  Monaplication
                            180405  3-DES Cryptor
                            180402  Butterfly Frequency 4
                            180401  #TRENDING 17
                            180331  Mona Lisa, Ten Squares
                            180330  OX3 VXV
                            180329  Future Portrait
                            180327  this.easter
                            180326  Moons of Jupiter 12
                            180325  Victor's Vibrations 2
                            180325  Fried Eggs
                            180324  Wiggle Room
                            180322  yet another blade of grass, again
                            180320  AI.ML.M2M/f v.1
                            180313  Beatheart
                            180313  COTC
                            180310  In a Hole
                            180307  Ruth's Bouquet
                            180306  PbN Nibble Award
                            180305  Comptr Commnctn
                            180305  Facebook University
                            180228  #TRENDING 16
                            180227  Borg Warp Signatures
                            180227  The Cloud
                            180226  Music of Two Sticks
                            180225  My Friend Jack
                            180225  Only Thing
                            180224  Escher's Eye
                            180223  EVE EWE EXE EYE
                            180221  Butterfly Frequency 3
                            180219  Butterfly Frequency 2
                            180218  Butterfly Frequency
                            180218  ITX YTV
                            180217  Butterflies for Hofstadter
                            180214  Two Hearts
                            180214  BAT
                            180212  Walking Women Ghost
                            180212  Sunshine Kaleido 3 (swallows)
                            180211  Sunshine Kaleido 2
                            180210  Sunshine Kaleido
                            180210  Poem by Numbers 96
                            180208  Machine Vision 7: A EYE
                            180205  Pode Coetry
                            180131  PbN Interactive
                            180130  Electric Banana
                            180128  The SBBM Prophecy
                            180127  Canopy 2
                            180124  The Code
                            180121  Grapefruit
                            180120  M.R.I 69
                            180119  January Apples
                            180118  A Foreshadowing
                            180116  The Psychlops
                            180115  Mapping the Slide
                            180114  Reflection
                            180109  Moons of Jupiter 11: Io
                            180105  North Sky
                            180103  Alberta, MST
                            180102  Moons of Jupiter 10
                            180101  Hippy New Year
                            2 0 1 7
                            171227  Holly and the Ivy
                            171226  Boa Conductor
                            171225  Thots of Spots
                            171222  Goldleaf & Firefly
                            171221  All Seeing Being
                            171220  Rotary Dial
                            171218  Moons of Jupiter 9
                            171216  Evening the Odds Maker
                            171213  Rad Radio IO
                            171211  Beethoven's Bad Hair Day
                            171207  Morse K Ode
                            171205  The Chameleon
                            171204  The Ruby Crucifixion
                            171203  Crist in the cros
                            171202  Untel
                            171201  Tenacity
                            171130  Cocktails with Stockhausen
                            171130  Textual Harassment
                            171122  Mona Lisa: the Highlights
                            171121  Crop Circles for Albers
                            171120  POP #4
                            171119  The Alphabot
                            171119  Angel Pop
                            171115  Bleeder
                            171113  The Black Mona
                            171113  Psynaptichosis
                            171112  FUKUSHIMA REDUX
                            171111  SASKATCHEWAN
                            171110  CATS v.3 (Peek-a-Boo)
                            171109  CATS v.2 (Sad Clown)
                            171108  CATS v.1
                            171105  Rolling Mona
                            171105  With Mind on KVWX
                            171104  Intellectual Straitjacket
                            171103  Comet (The Eye)
                            171102  Mona Lisa Lives Here III
                            171030  Selluloid Schmeebs
                            171029  Elements of Itten 11
                            171028  Elements of Itten 10
                            171026  Elements of Itten 9
                            171025  Elements of Itten 8
                            171025  Elements of Itten 7
                            171024  Elements of Itten 6
                            171024  Elements of Itten 5
                            171024  Elements of Itten 4
                            171023  Elements of Itten 3
                            171023  Elements of Itten 2
                            171023  Elements of Itten
                            171021  Your Brain on PbN
                            171020  On Earth As Above
                            171019  Laser Crucifixion
                            171019  Machine Vision 6
                            171019  Robsart Memory
                            171018  Ghost Town Trail
                            171016  The Ghosts of Cubism
                            171015  Digital Rust
                            171009  Rembrandt's Eye
                            171008  The Rose Garden
                            171007  Bump Stock
                            171007  San Andreas
                            171006  Reinvention
                            171004  Machine Vision 5
                            171004  Jupiter Timelapse
                            171003  Moons of Jupiter 8
                            170930  Transmutation of Lot's Wife #4
                            170928  AMERICA68
                            170926  Patriot Horizontal
                            170926  Three Color Marmalade
                            170924  Eastend
                            170918  Star Field (Canton)
                            170916  New Glory
                            170915  Blue White & Red
                            170914  Moons of Jupiter 7
                            170913  Vanishing Point
                            170912  Puddle
                            170910  Rings, Just Rings
                            170908  Second Sight
                            170905  Star in the East
                            170904  Jammin wit Jim
                            170902  Butterfly Blueprint
                            170831  Storm of the Eye
                            170829  Moscoso Fifty
                            170829  Victor's Vibrations
                            170829  Sunspots
                            170827  The Shaved Eclipse
                            170827  Staticus Eclipsis
                            170826  ACIDECLIPSE
                            170826  Blood & Gold
                            170825  The Typable Move
                            170825  Binary Odds Maker
                            170824  solareclipse
                            170822  Happy Head's Stray Thoughts
                            170820  A Unified Code Cracker
                            170819  Solar Blackout
                            170815  Cyclipse
                            170812  Summer Storm
                            170811  MONET TODAY
                            170811  Verdigris 8
                            170809  Wipper Zipper
                            170808  Pop #3 (For Mary)
                            170807  Hive Consciousness
                            170806  Dream Weaver
                            170724  Poem by Numbers 95
                            170722  José, can you C?
                            170720  Zombie Prime
                            170719  Pieta 5
                            170712  Pieta 4
                            170711  Pieta Sketch 5
                            170711  Pieta 3
                            170710  Pieta 2
                            170710  Pieta Sketch 4
                            170710  Pieta Sketch 3
                            170710  Pieta Sketch 2
                            170710  Pieta Sketch 1
                            170709  Pieta
                            170709  Pieta Sketch
                            170704  Poem by Numbers 94
                            170704  Humanatee
                            170702  Bonfire of the Manatees
                            170630  Swedish Dominoes
                            170622  Eadweard's NaN
                            170621  ISIS SISI
                            170618  Head of a Girl
                            170615  The Psychedelic Psynapse
                            170614  Times Square Timelapse
                            170613  American Dream 4
                            170610  The Active ACGT
                            170606  A Broad American
                            170606  American Abroad
                            170602  #TRENDING 15
                            170529  The Acidchrist
                            170528  Atomic Verdigris
                            170527  TEXTOIDS
                            170525  Acid Rain Cloud 12
                            170524  #TRENDING 14
                            170524  Acid Rain Cloud 11
                            170518  Acid Rain Cloud 10
                            170513  <3s4R
                            170512  Snow Roses Redux
                            170509  When the ICBF Fly
                            170508  Acid Rain Cloud 9
                            170503  Anonymous Letters
                            170429  Timepiece
                            170427  Ted's Blender
                            170426  Pinwheels
                            170424  Eye Chart 2017
                            170419  Mona's Jag
                            170419  Do Da Bats
                            170415  American Dream 3
                            170415  America ★
                            170413  Fukushima F02906
                            170411  Poem by Numbers 93
                            170410  Verdigris 7
                            170408  An Alinear Rembrandt
                            170406  Butterfly Ball
                            170406  Butterfly
                            170401  Acid Rain Cloud 8
                            170331  Poetry Off The Page
                            170330  Zebra Parade
                            170329  The Rose
                            170326  Vincent's Darkest Thoughts
                            170324  Variations on a Hope
                            170322  L O V E / Robert Indiana
                            170321  Feature Presentation
                            170320  Acid Rain Cloud 7
                            170320  and another blade of grass
                            170320  Aedes 6
                            170319  Blackheart
                            170319  Acid Rain Cloud 6
                            170319  Space Spiders
                            170319  American Eclipse
                            170318  Acid Rain Cloud 5
                            170318  The Electric Swarm
                            170318  Quoting Sky: Almost SQUAREDANCE
                            170317  Quoting Sky
                            170313  x_intOrg
                            170306  Musical Chairs in Sweden
                            170305  Speaking of Albers to Vasarely
                            170304  Speaking in Tongues
                            170301  WORM: alinear vision
                            170228  Acid Rain Cloud 4
                            170228  Poem by Numbers 92
                            170227  Acid Rain Cloud 3
                            170225  Albersketch
                            170221  Turtle & Crab
                            170219  The Ouroboros
                            170219  Politimoroniphobia
                            170216  yet another blade of grass
                            170214  THUMBS: 21C disease du jour
                            170214  21st Century Vitruvian Man
                            170211  a single blade of grass
                            170211  Back to the Garden
                            170206  Air Larry 1947
                            170202  Poem by Numbers 91
                            170201  Albers by Numbers
                            170129  #TRENDING 13
                            170128  Dance of the Pollen Eaters
                            170127  #TRENDING 12
                            170123  Color Commentary
                            170119  An Earthquake on the Island of La Grande Jatte
                            170118  Shades of Albers
                            170116  Machine Vision 4
                            170112  Aedes V
                            170106  Code Poet's Clock
                            170101  PSYCHEDERMIC
                            2 0 1 6
                            161230  Darth Fader
                            161229  Acid Rain Cloud II
                            161222  ZOMBIVOMIT
                            161219  Aedes IV
                            161217  #TRENDING 11
                            161215  Mutant
                            161212  Acid Rain Cloud
                            161210  Poem by Numbers 90
                            161209  The Inner Mona
                            161208  #TRENDING 10
                            161203  BINGO |#|
                            161203  Magic Movements
                            161201  Pinball MechaniX
                            161201  Last Supper Redux
                            161129  Machine Vision 3
                            161123  Serendipity
                            161121  Superior Ha Ha
                            161116  Moons of Jupiter 6
                            161115  Smile
                            161112  Mona in the Sky with Demons
                            161112  Camo Lisa
                            161110  Anthem
                            161109  Code Poet's Window
                            161107  Acid Rain 7
                            161102  The Last Supper
                            161028  Poem by Numbers 89
                            161024  New Media Ha Ha
                            161023  Revelation of Saint Larry
                            161020  Verbal Abuse
                            161018  Pop (Gold)
                            161015  Verdigris 6
                            161015  One
                            161005  Numerical Unlikelihood
                            160930  Kaleidoscope
                            160929  Moons of Jupiter 5
                            160917  Joons of Mupiter
                            160917  Niagara Countdown
                            160916  Girl with Golden Hair
                            160915  Ver.Di.5 (Verdigris 5)
                            160914  Big Buck Bunny Dicer
                            160909  Mona Lisa Lives Here II
                            160906  Lectric Kai
                            160906  × RAY
                            160903  BTKrist
                            160903  Ecliptinox
                            160831  Fuzzy Logix
                            160826  The Vasarely Factor
                            160825  The Unknown Poem
                            160825  #TRENDING 9
                            160824  Soft Target Locator
                            160823  Icon
                            160823  Poem by Numbers 88
                            160821  Miami
                            160815  Electronic Ballot
                            160814  American Dream II
                            160809  The Cloud
                            160808  The Autoactive, Pause
                            160807  §ignum §ectionis
                            160804  Tie Dye Eye
                            160802  Don: a portrait
                            160728  Copper Mining 4 (Verdigris 4)
                            160728  Diver (Verdigris 3)
                            160727  Poem by Numbers 87 (Verdigris 2)
                            160727  Verdigris
                            160723  Social Media, 1976
                            160721  Inter:re:action
                            160720  Crop Circles
                            160719  Not the Point
                            160718  Dissolution of Language
                            160716  Lindbergh's Compass
                            160715  The Quiet Egg
                            160712  EKAG
                            160711  Acid Rain 6
                            160709  Circle of Life
                            160709  Robocop
                            160708  The Active Albers
                            160708  Moons of Jupiter 4
                            160708  CHAOSTROPHOBIA
                            160708  A Block of the Old Chip
                            160707  Wr nd Pc /w •
                            160701  One Million Monkeys
                            160630  Box of Letters
                            160628  The Pollock Letters
                            160627  Story of Lazarus
                            160625  #TRENDING 8
                            160623  Mary's Garden
                            160621  Games on Plaid
                            160619  Eclipzoid
                            160619  Ecliptaucus
                            160614  Double Cross
                            160612  Canopy
                            160611  Poem by Numbers 86
                            160611  Harold Town
                            160610  Aci Drain
                            160608  Polterlarry
                            160607  CHAMPION
                            160604  The Greatest
                            160602  Rainbow Storm
                            160602  Aedes III
                            160601  Aedes II
                            160531  Aedes
                            160530  Z (containment)
                            160529  ZV: Aedes
                            160528  2016 ZGAMES
                            160526  Wildfire
                            160525  2 Hearts
                            160524  Larry's Cardio Workout
                            160524  The Vorpal Warp
                            160524  CRA + NRA
                            160524  I TEXT
                            160524  #TRENDING 7
                            160523  SPIKE (101 Dead Junkies)
                            160522  rain, Mars
                            160521  Daddy
                            160520  Z16
                            160515  Moons of Jupiter 3
                            160513  #TRENDING 6
                            160508  4Q&4Q2
                            160507  Acid Rain 5
                            160504  Spiderchrist
                            160504  Marilyn
                            160503  Andy's Stars
                            160502  The Out One
                            160501  invisible ink
                            160430  x_starbang()
                            160424  Reauty Beality 2
                            160423  Quoting the Paisley Prince
                            160418  Moons of Jupiter 2
                            160416  XRAY: the Da Vinci Dot
                            160414  EC (2bHARD)
                            160413  Acid Rain 4
                            160412  Birthday
                            160411  The Druid Poem
                            160410  Psyche 69
                            160410  The Kiss
                            160408  Four Riders
                            160408  Four Riders Sketch 4
                            160407  Four Riders Sketch 3
                            160407  Four Riders Sketch 2
                            160407  Four Riders Sketch 1
                            160406  Machine Vision 2
                            160404  Moons of Jupiter
                            160402  Weather Report, Stereo
                            160330  PbN Atomic Number
                            160329  Alpha Centrificus
                            160329  Writing on Cars
                            160329  Acid Rain 3
                            160327  Fun with Shingles 7
                            160324  Fun with Shingles 6
                            160324  Fun with Shingles 5
                            160322  Fun with Shingles 4
                            160321  Fun with Shingles 3
                            160320  Fun with Shingles 2
                            160319  Fun with Shingles
                            160318  VIROGRAPH 505
                            160311  Look Again
                            160310  See Spot Splot
                            160307  Ghost
                            160305  The Colorful Bipolar
                            160303  Machine Vision
                            160302  POP #2
                            160229  The Years
                            160229  Poem by Numbers 85
                            160227  Chicken Poem
                            160223  The Strawman's Brain
                            160221  Astralarry
                            160221  #TRENDING 5
                            160221  America 2016
                            160220  Lucifer M. Christos
                            160218  Blossom Mandala
                            160215  1968
                            160214  Butterfly MRI
                            160213  Victor Moscoso
                            160213  Poem by Numbers 84
                            160211  ACID RAIN II
                            160207  Transmutation of Lot's Wife #3
                            160205  Poet's Perspective
                            160131  Alinear Autointeractive
                            160131  XOR2016
                            160127  Honey & Wine
                            160125  PbN x_LOGX()
                            160124  Larry's Buzz
                            160120  The Anxious Alphabet
                            160119  Crusaders
                            160116  Primary Type
                            160114  Elegy
                            160113  Dante's Basement
                            160111  The Caged Piano
                            160108  Psychedelic Egg Salad
                            160106  Stars & Stripes
                            160106  Poem by Numbers 83
                            160103  BLNK
                            2 0 1 5
                            151226  Lunus Instabilicus
                            151224  Peace, Love, Joy
                            151216  Poem by Numbers 82
                            151212  Transblendered Text
                            151208  Hulkification Demonstration
                            151208  #TRENDING 4
                            151207  Larry in Vegas
                            151201  Poem by Numbers 81
                            151129  High Anxiety
                            151129  Override
                            151128  Iris
                            151127  K SCOPE
                            151127  HEY HEY NSA
                            151112  Talking Heads
                            151111  Criminal Cranberries
                            151105  V I R U S
                            151027  Atomic Sun
                            151018  Datsun Cogs
                            151016  Titanic
                            151012  Midtown Noon
                            151011  Eye Chart
                            151011  Poem by Numbers 80
                            151006  Southpaw
                            151002  abacaba
                            150915  Project K MOONFACE
                            150914  Project K VIROS
                            150910  Project K “K”
                            150909  Project K (BUGZ)
                            150908  Project K
                            150831  KALEIDOSCAPE
                            150830  OZ 3
                            150828  OZ 2
                            150827  Embryonic Journey
                            150827  OZ
                            150825  Feed Your Head
                            150823  INSIDE THE BOX
                            150823  BORDERLINE
                            150818  Larry on TV
                            150813  Neon Nude
                            150806  EYESMAX
                            150805  Fukushima Shimmer
                            150802  Cocoon
                            150724  TYPE FACE CASE
                            150723  TYPE
                            150723  MASK
                            150718  Ikstar
                            150716  Ikstat STATIC
                            150715  Ikjump BRSRKR
                            150707  Ikawat
                            150706  Ikafly
                            150706  Ikwing
                            150705  Ikwink
                            150705  Ikrain
                            150705  Ikross
                            150704  Iklone
                            150704  Ikaman
                            150703  IKAROS
                            150629  On Monet's Pond
                            150622  ActiveX
                            150622  Text Movie
                            150618  MEME
                            150617  The Tainted Potato
                            150615  The Painted Piano
                            150606  Da Vinci's Wristwatch
                            150605  Strobin' Mona
                            150604  PbN2015
                            150604  Poem by Numbers 79
                            150604  Soviet Echo
                            150603  Pastel Psky
                            150529  TYPECAST
                            150526  WORLD OF TYPE
                            150522  Book of Escher
                            150521  Robo Flag
                            150520  The Last Aztec
                            150517  Mona's Amusement
                            150516  TYPO
                            150506  Deep Space Communique
                            150505  Xray Resurrection
                            150504  Funny Pages
                            150503  ATOMICDAWN
                            150430  The Unstable Text
                            150426  Song for Fukushima
                            150426  Poem by Numbers 78
                            150420  RAMP
                            150419  The Electric Egg
                            150418  Text Thing
                            150414  Schizophrenia
                            150414  Do Not Adjust
                            150411  Alphabet Taffy
                            150410  PSYRCUS
                            150410  Things Treory
                            150407  BIF★BAM★POW
                            150406  Spring 2015
                            150405  Blood Moon oonit
                            150402  Interaction Complex
                            150330  SPY
                            150328  Critical Artifact
                            150328  USA 2
                            150324  USA
                            150305  Poem by Numbers 77
                            150304  Red Sails Time Lapse
                            150303  1975-2015
                            150302  Acid Rain
                            150301  Bridget Riley
                            150228  Non-Linear Riley #2
                            150228  Non-Linear Riley
                            150227  Text Bang Theory
                            150218  Camping with Matisse
                            150217  POP
                            150129  Three Crosses, 2048 Tiles
                            150126  Ballad To Jimi
                            150124  Bots on the Ground
                            150122  Poem by Numbers 76
                            150114  #TRENDING 3
                            150105  Big Buck Bunny Slicer
                            150102  Big Buck Bunny
                            2 0 1 4
                            141223  Tesla's Teacup
                            141221  Tunnel of Blue Light
                            141214  #TRENDING 2
                            141210  Holiday Fireplace
                            141209  SPAMI ORIGAMI
                            141209  Garage Sale
                            141206  The Endorsement
                            141203  Verbal Meiosis
                            141202  Larry's Aura
                            141201  MIGRAINE
                            141201  Komets in the Sun
                            141201  A Non-Linear Text
                            141130  Poem by Numbers 75
                            141130  Alphabetic Archaeology
                            141130  SMUDZ
                            141129  Magazine Woman 1968
                            141126  He Said She Said
                            141125  Atomic Larry
                            141124  Dialog
                            141116  The Meeting
                            141110  Icerose
                            141030  Letters to Amelia
                            141022  On the Creation of Eve
                            141018  Andy On Acid
                            141016  Poem by Numbers 74
                            141015  #TRENDING
                            141010  The Day
                            141008  Number Blindness Test
                            141006  Escher vs Hitchcock
                            141004  Pinko Dots
                            141003  S T A T I C
                            141001  Helium Meat
                            140930  CHAINED
                            140928  MONX 68
                            140918  Dante and Virgil
                            140915  Inside Brain Surgery
                            140911  September Song
                            140910  RACUS NAC DU FRAC
                            140909  The Monx Communique
                            140908  The Elastic Band
                            140906  Larry and the Neon Pearls
                            140903  Synaptic Sludge
                            140901  White Keys Poem
                            140824  E L O B A
                            140810  Supermoon Rose
                            140808  Edgar Funk
                            140731  Farm News Report
                            140718  Forethought
                            140712  The Wave '62
                            140703  The Walrus
                            140629  Money Talks
                            140628  Poem by Numbers 73
                            140627  Blood Trail
                            140621  REAUTY BEALITY
                            140611  Downtown
                            140530  The Garden
                            140525  DIE TODAY
                            140524  Poem by Numbers 72
                            140523  Dark Mass
                            140522  SIGNapse™
                            140511  MOM<3
                            140425  Mona Lisa Lives Here
                            140421  Where's Larry?
                            140420  Arial Coming Down
                            140415  Blood Moon Base
                            140410  Winter Crabapples '014
                            140409  resizeme.htm
                            140407  Inclined to Random Thought
                            140406  Poem by Numbers 71
                            140331  Poem by Numbers 70
                            140330  Poem by Numbers 69
                            140327  CVG MSJ UNV
                            140326  Dirty Larry
                            140325  Text on Gray
                            140324  Larry's Flashback
                            140321  Poem by Numbers 68
                            140320  PSYPS TICUS
                            140319  Psynaptic Psyrkus
                            140318  The Butterfly Fence
                            140315  Larry & Fever Tree
                            140312  Copper Mining Redux
                            140311  Girl on a public bench
                            140310  Poem by Numbers 67
                            140308  VLT on toast
                            140307  time@absolute.zero
                            140303  Fingerprints
                            140302  Orange Bicycle
                            140301  Self Portrait
                            140227  In Monet's Pond
                            140225  c_SOUP
                            140223  Night Flower Dream
                            140221  Unibrow for Mona
                            140221  mutus VIRANT
                            140220  Exploding Hairpiece
                            140218  Chinese Checkers Tartan
                            140216  I.B.POP 66
                            140206  Pink Bikini, Lawnmower
                            140206  French Bread
                            140205  Richard Dadd
                            140131  Last Big Thing
                            140128  atthegatesofeed
                            140123  Larry On Tour
                            140122  XOX Y
                            140121  WORDWACK
                            140120  MAGMA
                            140112  Jack
                            140108  Snow Roses
                            2 0 1 3
                            131213  Checkerbird
                            131210  Cosmos Factory
                            131205  Mandela
                            131115  e lipse
                            131110  Mandala
                            131108  Poem by Numbers 66
                            131107  Poem by Numbers 65
                            131105  Poem by Numbers 64
                            131105  Poem by Numbers 63
                            131103  PSY'70
                            131102  Poem by Numbers 62
                            131102  Poem by Numbers 61
                            131102  Poem by Numbers 60
                            131017  High Noon
                            130928  Memory Chart
                            130927  FILM
                            130926  Saskatchewan Suite
                            130818  august SUN
                            130719  (Third) Eye of July
                            130702  Rum & Blackbirds
                            130616  chaos cntrl
                            130529  Lost and Found
                            130528  Primary Enable
                            130504  Larry's World
                            130430  Poem by Numbers 59
                            130426  Poem by Numbers 58
                            130425  Poem by Numbers 57
                            130425  Poem by Numbers 56
                            130419  HOLES
                            130418  Poem by Numbers 55
                            130418  Poem by Numbers 54
                            130416  Poem by Numbers 53
                            130413  Poem by Numbers 52
                            130413  Poem by Numbers 51
                            130412  Poem by Numbers 50
                            130406  Poem by Numbers 49
                            130405  Tartan for htmlguy
                            130405  Poem by Numbers 48
                            130404  Poem by Numbers 47
                            130403  Poem by Numbers 46
                            130403  Poem by Numbers 45
                            130403  Poem by Numbers 44
                            130402  VIRI.13
                            130330  L O V E
                            130327  Choice
                            130324  Mothership EGG
                            130321  Poem by Nari
                            130319  Fan Mail
                            130309  Gun Nation
                            130308  NRA
                            130301  A Prairie Text
                            130227  TH•NK
                            130226  Cold Fusion Alphabet
                            130209  Sybil's Mirror
                            130130  self.portrait
                            130128  American Dream
                            2 0 1 2
                            d b 1 1 x 8 . 5



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