The photographic act consists of entering this space
of intimate complicity, not to master it,
but to play along with it
and to demonstrate
that nothing has been decided
"What cannot be said
must be kept silent."
But what cannot be said
can also be kept silent
through a display
of images.
> The medium or process, of our time-electric technology is reshaping
> and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect
> of our personal life. It is forcing us to reconsider and reevaluate
> practically every thought, every action, and every institution
> formerly taken for granted. Everything is changing - you, your family,
> your neighborhood, your education, your job, your government, your
> relation to 'others.' And they're changing dramatically...
> Based on an analysis of the structure and composition of the artistic
> text and the way it operates in 'cueing' the audience's response to
> the artifact, neoformalism assumes an aesthetic dimension to artistic
> and literary texts. Neoformalism argues that form and content cannot
> be separated - that form is meaning. Because neoformalism does not
> seek to provide explanation for the author's motive or systemic
> dimensions of an artifact and its place in society, neoformalism is an
> exploratory approach - a place to begin the process of inquiry. The
> aim of the formalist method, or at least one of its aims, is not to
> explain the work, but to call attention to it, to restore that
> 'orientation towards form' which is characteristic of a work of art.
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