Poem by Nari Room
POEM BY NARI Canada anim ated pl anning TheWr-eye-tingsScrat orsubscriptioninfo]. chpadwebsite(Estab.F eb.1997)wasconceived n.Nothingfancy,thisi list[followthislinkf rentlyunderdiscussio -eye-tingsdiscussion rvisualpoetsandinter asasupplementtotheWr hedfiles,thiswebsite oftware,orsomemember ubledealingwithattac softhelist(i'mnotsur ewhich)werehavingtro Sincethemailinglists sintendedasaprovisio wassetupasatemporary nal&temporaryspacefo spacetohouseworkscur sted.GIFs,JPEGs,anim hananexhibition...Wo rkfortheScratchpadsh csuohio.edu.Itmaytak i,atr.drake@popmail. n.Nothingfancy,thisi morelikealaboratoryt rentlyunderdiscussio sanattachment)toluig rvisualpoetsandinter mediaartinprocess... hedfiles,thiswebsite emeadayorsotogetitpo ubledealingwithattac ouldbesentviaemail(a ewhich)werehavingtro sintendedasaprovisio wassetupasatemporary nal&temporaryspacefo spacetohouseworkscur sted.GIFs,JPEGs,anim atedGIFs,audiofiles( hananexhibition...Wo movies,HTMLanimation rkfortheScratchpadsh -basedworkhaveallbee csuohio.edu.Itmaytak lsewecan.Dropmealine i,atr.drake@popmail. .aiff,.wav,andRealAu morelikealaboratoryt nincludedsofar;we'll sanattachment)toluig accommodateanythinge mediaartinprocess... dioformat),Quicktime emeadayorsotogetitpo s,Javascript-andJava ouldbesentviaemail(a inadvance,ifyou'repl atedGIFs,audiofiles( movies,HTMLanimation -basedworkhaveallbee lsewecan.Dropmealine .aiff,.wav,andRealAu nincludedsofar;we'll accommodateanythinge dioformat),Quicktime s,Javascript-andJava inadvance,ifyou'repl anningonsendingmoret dexed.Iftherearefolk esuretoletmeknowwhoy es,contactmebackchan han100korsooffiles,s nel,&i'lltrytoworkso anningonsendingmoret oicanbeprepared;andb dexed.Iftherearefolk ouare&howyouwantitin esuretoletmeknowwhoy rworktoelectronicfil es,contactmebackchan swhocan'tconvertthei han100korsooffiles,s nel,&i'lltrytoworkso methingout._________ oicanbeprepared;andb ouare&howyouwantitin rworktoelectronicfil swhocan'tconvertthei methingout.______PbN Luigi, the list and anim ated pl anning works me thing. PbN Poem by Poem by Nari for Luigi A D Z ( ad'ver-tiz'ment ) [ Fr. avertissement ] !!! CLICK ON THESE BANNERS TO LEARN MORE !!! NO COPYRIGHT no return no jury no selection From ???@??? 30 09:53:34 1997 Date: , 30 1997 05:18:21 -0600 Received: 0.. ([]) Received: ([]) 0.. Message-Id: <> X-Sender: @3.. X-Mailer: 1.5.4 (16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: /; ="-" To: @. From: <@.> Subject: - Cc: @.. <CODE> From???@???T ueSep3009:53:341997Date:Tue,30Sep19 9705:18:21-0 600Received: fromfclients0.redestb.es([194.179.1 06.116])byti net0.redestb .es(Post.OfficeMTAv3.1releasePO203a ID#0-0U10L2S 100)withESMT PidAAA167;Tue,30Sep199712:23:31+010 0Received:fr omDefault([1])byfclients0.redestb .es(Post.Off iceMTAv3.1re leasePO203aID#0-0U10L2S100)withSMTP idAAB230;Tue ,30Sep199712 :20:06+0100Message-Id:< 70930141835. 2ff78b66@pop 3.redestb.es>X-Sender:mikuerpo@pop3 .redestb.esX -Mailer:Wind owsEudoraLightVersion1.5.4(16)Mime- Version:1.0C ontent-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii"To:kak art@geocitie s.comFrom:In dustriasMikuerpo<mikuerpo@redestb.e s>Subject:ma il-artcallCc :noticias@lix.intercom.esEMAIL-ARTC ALLTheme:NOC OPYRIGHTDate :30-XII-1997Unlimitedtextsaboutthet hemeandtwodi mensionsartw orks,max.40kb,freetecnique,noreturn ,nojury,nose lection.Publ icationin"Sign'zine"(photocopies,tw oexemplarsto allcontribut ors.http://www.redestb.es/personal/ mikuerpo/sig nzine.htmVir tualexhibitionfromthismomenttodic.1 998inthenet: http://www.g eocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8666/nocopy .htmBasescom pletasenespa niol:http://www.redestb.es/personal /mikuerpo/no copyri.htm.. ................................... .........PbN From???@???T .es(Post.OfficeMTAv3.1releasePO203a 9705:18:21-0 600Received: orks,max.40kb,freetecnique,noreturn 06.116])byti net0.redestb eocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/8666/nocopy ID#0-0U10L2S 100)withESMT 95.122.200152])byfclients0redestb 0Received:fr omDefault([1 leasePO203aID#0-0U10L2S100)withSMTP .es(Post.Off iceMTAv3.1re :20:06+01Message-Id:<15416199 idAAB230;Tue ,30Sep199712 :3-XII-1997Unlimitedtextsaboutthet 70930141835. 2ff78b66@pop PidAAA167;Tue,3Sep9972:23:3+ .redestb.esX -Mailer:Wind ueSep39:53:3499Date:Tue,3Sep9 Version:1.0C ontent-Type: orshttp://wwwredestbes/personal/ art@geocitie s.comFrom:In dustriasMikuerpo<mikuerpo@redestbe s>Subject:ma il-artcallCc owsEudoraLightVersion54(6)ime- ALLTheme:NOC OPYRIGHTDate 3redestbes>X-Sendermikuerpo@pop3 hemeandtwodi mensionsartw tulexhibitionfromthismomenttodic ,nojury,nose lection.Publ fromfclientsredestes([4 oexemplarsto allcontribut text/plin;chrst="us-scii"Tokk mikuerpo/sig nzine.htmVir ictionin"Sgn'zn"(photocops,tw 998inthenet: http://www.g nolhttp//wwwrdsts/prsol .htmBasescom pletasenespa otcs@lxtrcomsEAIL-ARTC /mikuerpo/no copyri.htm.. . NO.COPYRIGHT From???@???T octcom/SoHo/Loft/8666/ocoy 9705:18:21-0 600Received: uS35334DtTu,3S 06.116])byti net0.redestb (PotOffcTAv3rlPO23 ID#0-0U10L2S 100)withESMT lPO23ID#-UL2S)wthSTP 0Received:fr omDefault([1 orhttwwwrdtrol .es(Post.Off iceMTAv3.1re fromfcltrdt([4 idAAB230;Tue ,30Sep199712 P6;Tu,3S2233+ 70930141835. 2ff78b66@pop 26+g-I<546 .redestb.esX -Mailer:Wind otc@lxtrcomEIL-RTC Version:1.0C ontent-Type: ork,mx4k,frtcqu,ortur art@geocitie s.comFrom:In olhttwwwrtrol s>Subject:ma il-artcallCc 3-XII-lmttxtouttht ALLTheme:NOC OPYRIGHTDate utrkuro<mkuro@rt hemeandtwodi mensionsartw tulxhtofromthmomttoc ,nojury,nose lection.Publ 3rt>X-Srkuro@o3 oexemplarsto allcontribut cto"Sg'z"(hotoco,tw mikuerpo/sig nzine.htmVir owEuorLghtVro54(6)- 998inthenet: http://www.g txtl;chrt="u-c"Tokk .htmBasescom pletasenespa 522252])yfclr /mikuerpo/no copyri.htm.. . NO.COPYRIGHT From???@???T owEuorLghVro54(6)- 9705:18:21-0 600Received: lPO23ID#-L2S)whSTP 06.116])byti net0.redestb ork,x4k,frcqu,orur ID#0-0U10L2S 100)withESMT 26+g-I<546 0Received:fr omDefault([1 olhwwwrrol .es(Post.Off iceMTAv3.1re 522252]fclr idAAB230;Tue ,30Sep199712 frofclr[4 70930141835. 2ff78b66@pop P6;Tu3S2233+ .redestb.esX -Mailer:Wind occoSoHoLof8666oco Version:1.0C ontent-Type: oc@lxrcoEIL-RTC art@geocitie s.comFrom:In PoOffcTv3rlPO3 s>Subject:ma il-artcallCc 3-XII-lxouh ALLTheme:NOC OPYRIGHTDate co"Sg'z"hoocow hemeandtwodi mensionsartw uS35334DTu3S ,nojury,nose lection.Publ 3r>X-Srkuro@o3 oexemplarsto allcontribut xl;hr="u-"Tokk mikuerpo/sig nzine.htmVir ulxhofrohoo 998inthenet: http://www.g orhwwwrrol .htmBasescom pletasenespa urkuro<kuro@r /mikuerpo/no copyri.htm.. . NO.COPYRIGHT </CODE> [ transmission terminated ] ________@_______.__ Tue, 30 Sep 1997 05:18:21 -0600 FUZZY LOGIC 2 4 3 1 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 4 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 1 1 4 3 2 2 4 1 3 3 2 1 4 3 1 2 4 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 4 3 1 3 4 2 VERTICAL MOTION parallel notion | = * | = * | = * | = * } (++ | > | = ) } (!) } (<-[]) |((<-[]) <-[])_ |() = |( <-[])_ v p } (`` == ) } (((.) .)_!) e } (_ == .) a |() = r |((.) .)_ =+ _<- r |((.) .)_ =+ _<- |((.) .)_ =+ _ t { a } (_ == .) | = i l |((.) .)_ = |() =* c | =+ _<- l { { a e } | =* l |((.) .)_ =+ _<- l |((.) .)_ =+ _<- |((.) .)_ =+ _<- |((.) .)_ = |() =* | =+ _<- { m { n } (`` == ) |( .)_ = o |( .)_ = o |( .)_ = |( .)_ = t { t (!) |( )_ = i (!) i |( )_ = | =+ * o | =+ * o | =+ * | =+ * n ( & <-[]) n | = _* { ( & <-[]) | = _* { { |() R E A L I Z A T I O N warnell.com/real/nari.htm ted@warnell.com |
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