Currently acceptable events are as follows:
* Probe - probe is in the scene.
* NoProbe - no probe is in the scene.
* ProbeClose - probe is within the close tolerance
to the current feature specified by the VTV.
* ProbeFar - probe is farther from the current feature
than the close tolerance specified by the VTV.
* ProbeOnFeature - probe is on the feature (according
to vision.)
* ProbeNotOnFeature - probe is close, but not on the
feature (according to vision.)
* VisionProblem - part string has changed, signifying
that a feature is occluded (need to move the camera.)
* ProblemSolved - moving the camera has corrected the
occlusion problem.
* TouchedFeature - probe has touched the feature
(according to touch sensor,) feature is explored
quantitatively and exact feature measurements are
taken in this state.
* NoTouch - probe has not touched the feature
(according to touch sensor.)
* ClosedRegion - current feature contains closed
region(s) to be inspected (recursively.)
* OpenRegion - current feature contains open region(s)
to be inspected (iteratively.)
* TimeOut - machine has not changed state within a
period of time specified by the VTV.
* Done - inspection of the current feature and its
children is complete, return to previous level.