" There will be lasting peace
in the Middle East before a use is found for the Poem by Nari
Y2Kalendar "
Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel
" This calendar is the stupidest thing
I have ever seen. I mean, it's crap -- totally
useless. "
Howard Stern, Talk Radio Host
" It's useless but we'll buy it anyway. "
Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation CEO
" I stand a better chance
of being elected Pope than discovering a use for this. "
Bill Clinton, President of the United States of America
" If nobody will fight about it, it's useless to me. "
Jerry Springer, Trash Television Host
" Definitely art -- but is it a calendar? "
Christo, International Performance Artist
" We are amused : ) "
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England
" If you build it, they will buy. "
Bart Habermiller, Guy with an Eye
" The Government of Canada
is supportive of entrepreneurial initiative by it's citizens --
but these calendars are completely useless to anyone. On the other
hand, we would support a Bill Clinton for Pope campaign. "
Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister of Canada