Z I N E n
new media






+ + +

a journal of new media experimental visual literary theory practice


Ted Warnell


Features, reviews, papers

Zn 98/09/04: It's up and on and got a whole new direction (and a new color scheme -- not pink!)... the new Art & Technology site at Miningco looks like a winner.

Copyright © 1998 by Ted Warnell and Zn. All rights reserved.


1998 SEP 4

The New A&T

Guide Sharon Silvia
takes the new A&T site at Miningco (birthplace of Zn) in a whole new direction, and offers to her audience an informative and entertaining look into art on the Web.

    "My objective is to provide you with an exciting and enlightening journey to some of the best sites on the Web."
Sharon Silvia is an artist and a writer of considerable talent, with a strong background in computer technologies. True to her promise, Sharon's weekly features are genuinely interesting to read, presented in a lucid and engaging style.

Her investigations into art and technology focus on subjects of both specific and general interest:

    09/03/98 - Illusions and Impossible Objects
    08/27/98 - Neon Knights
    08/20/98 - Creative Chaos
    08/13/98 - Shape Shifters - The Art/Science Connection
    08/06/98 - Space Art
Zn readers
interested to learn more about the new A&T are cordially invited to visit at the link below. Let Sharon guide you to some of the best sites on the Web. And please be sure to leave a message -- your comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Art & Technology

Original A&T features
are removed from the site to make way for Sharon's new features (this is as it should be). You can still find original A&T features, February 1997 through January 1998, posted here in the Zn LIT library.

Email from Uruguay,
from respected artist and poet Clemente Padin:

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 17:01:00
From: Clemente Padín <>
Subject: Attack to artists

Dear friends:
I am transmitting you this serious accusation of attack
and censorship to the art and, in particular, to the
mail art. The success of the campaign depends on you,
it is say, it depend on the diffusion that you could
give you to the communication (including thw wegsites)
and of the expressions of rejection that you transmit
to the addresses indicated to the end. Fraternal

Estimado amigos:
Estoy trasmitiendo a Uds. esta grave acusación de ataque
y censura al arte y, en particular, al arte correo. El
éxito de la campaña depende de Uds., es decir, depende
de la difusión que Uds. le puedan dar al comunicado
(incluyendo las páginas de internet) y de las expresiones
de rechazo que Uds. trasmitan a las direcciones indicadas
abajo. Saludos fraternos:


In response of the systematic and offensive political
persecution and the intolerance that for various years
have been going on at the University of Chile's Fine
Art School (actions promoted and spurred by reactionary,
totalitarian an pro Pinochet sectors) on March 98, the
Mail Art Exhibit "Stop: liberty, diversity and pluralism"
was held at the Santiago's Museum of Contemporary Art,
in defense of the constant attacks by sectors in power.
As a result, Humberto Nilo, the Director of the U. de
Chile's Fine Art School and organizer of the event, was
dismissed from his position along with the Museum's
Director and the Curator of the exhibit: Mrs. Rosario
Letelier and Mr. Ernesto Munioz.

The brillant track records of the dismissed wich includes
their strong defense of Human Rights during the chilean
dictatorship; recuperating Guillermo Deisler memoirs,
and hundreds of other artistic manifestation in defense
of Human Rights and the dissemination of the best in
Contemporary Art, were not taken into account.

It is paradoxical, not to mention denigrating, that
after 17 years of military dictatorship in Chile, and
after reaching (as certain oficialist sectors proclaim)
democratic and social harmony levels worthy of being
emulated by the rest of the continent; we have to
experience the sad spectacle in wich cultural spaces
are closed through economic strangulation, harrassment
and dismissal of distinguished artists, simply because
they don't share the "official line" and open or covert
censorship of critical manifestations on what's
established and current.

These cases, are not only attacks on people of proven
professional and artistic excellence, they constitute
a frontal attack on the principles that ground culture,
in addition to being a crass outrage on the libertarian
aspirations of an broad sector of the national and
international artistic community. It is time we sponsor
and stimulate the global coscience among all those
artists who believe on the diversity and pluralism
in art, to confront outrages such as that have just
taken place in Chile. It has to be done now, since
with the sophisticated strategies for manipulation
and control, in the hands of the new inquisitioners
of culture... tomorrow could be too late!

The intolerance and desdain for cultural diversity
are achieving strategic permanence in those places
that have historically been destinated to protecting
diversity. Perhaps that's why there's been a strong
push to silence them. What about critical view and
reflection? Or is it that we are facing the beginning
of a world regime with a cultural policy that is
predominently non-critical, blind and "light"
aligned with the purposes of Neo-liberalism?

Faced with the fear that the arrogance and brutality
of the chilean regime could put in peril the future
of Humberto Nilo, Rosario Letelier and Ernesto Munioz,
we begin this World Campaign to repudiate censorship
and personal attacks against any artist, regardless
of whether he practices Mail Art, anywhere on the
face of the Earth, requesting from everyone to
send-in expressions of solidarity and rejection
against all sorts of discriminatory policies on
cultural matters, so that in some way, their
offenders can't get away with their threats


A raíz de las sistemáticas y ofensivas persecuciones
políticas e intolerancia que por varios años se dan
en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile
-acciones promovidas e incitadas por sectores
reaccionarios, totalitaristas y Pinochetistas- se
convocó y realizó el pasado marzo de 1998, la
exposición de arte correo "STOP: libertad,
diversidad y pluralismo", en defensa de los
constantes ataques de estos sectores de poder, en
el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago. Como
resultado de la misma, el Director de la Escuela de
Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Chile, Humberto
Nilo, organizador de la muestra, no sólo fue
expulsado de su cargo, sino también, el Director
y Curador del Museo que albergó la exposición la
Sra. Rosario Letelier y el Sr. Ernesto Muñoz.

De nada sirvieron las brillantes trayectorias de
los expulsados ni su férrea defensa de los derechos
humanos durante la dictadura chilena, incluyendo la
recuperación de la memoria de Guillermo Deisler, el
eterno exiliado, y cientos de otras manifestaciones
artísticas en defensa de los derechos humanos y la
difusión de lo mejor del arte contemporáneo.

Resulta paradójico, por no decir denigrante, que
después de 17 años de dictadura militar en Chile, y
habiendo alcanzado -según lo pregonan ciertos sectores
oficialistas- unos niveles de democracia y convivencia
social dignos de emular en el resto del continente;
tengamos que asistir al triste espectáculo de cierre
de espacios culturales a través del estrangulamiento
económico, el hostigamiento y despido de sus empleos
de destacados artistas por no compartir con la línea
oficial y la censura abierta o solapada de toda
manifestación crítica sobre lo establecido y lo

Estos casos no son sólo ataques a personas de
probada excelencia profesional y artística, sino más
bien constituyen un ataque frontal a los principios
que cimientan la cultura, además de un craso
atropello a las aspiraciones libertarias de un
amplio sector de la comunidad artística tanto
nacional como internacional. Es hora de fomentar e
incentivar la conciencia mundial entre todos
aquellos artistas que creemos en la diversidad y
pluralidad del arte, para hacerle frente a
atropellos como el que acaba de ocurrir en Chile.
Y tiene que ser ahora, ya que con las sofisticadas
estrategias de manipulación y control en manos de
los nuevos inquisidores de la cultura... ¡mañana
podría resultar demasiado tarde!

La intolerancia y el desprecio por la diversidad
cultural están entronizándose justamente en aquellos
lugares destinados históricamente a ser la salvaguarda
de esa diversidad. Quizás por eso mismo es que se
despliega un ahínco feroz y mordaz para silenciarlos.
¿Y la visión crítica y la reflexión? ¿O es que estamos
ante los inicios de un régimen mundial con una política
cultural predominantemente acrítica, ciega y "light"
afin con los propósitos del neoliberalismo?

Ante el temor de que los desplantes y la brutalidad
del régimen chileno puedan poner en peligro la suerte
de Humberto Nilo, Rosario Letelier y Ernesto Muñoz, se
inicia esta campaña mundial de repudio a la censura y
al ataque personal contra cualquier artista, practique
o no el arte correo, en cualquier lugar del planeta,
solicitando al mundo entero que envíen expresiones de
apoyo solidario y rechazo frontal hacia todo tipo de
política discriminatoria en materia cultural, para
que de alguna manera, sus ofensores no puedan llevar
a cabo sus amenazas impunemente.

Send your messages to by post mail, fax and/or e-mail to:
Comunicaciones vía postal, fax y/o correo electrónico a:

Humberto Nilo Saavedra
Calama  8435, La Cisterna, Santiago, CHILE
tel. 5581888

Presidente de la República: Sr. Eduardo Frei Ruiz Tagle
Dirección postal/postal address: Palacio de la Moneda,
  Av. Libertador
O´´Higgins, Santiago, Chile. Fax: 6387332

Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados: Sr. Gutemberg
Dirección postal/postal address: Av. Pedro Montt s/n,
  Valparaíso, Chile.
Fax: 6874152
Email:  ó/or
  (secretarias de Gabinetes)

Presidente del Senado: Sr. Andrés Zaldivar Larraín
Dirección postal/postal address: Av. Pedro Montt s/n,
  Valparaíso, Chile.
Fax: 6326603 
Email: ó/or
  (secretarias de Gabinetes)

Rector de la Universidad de Chile: Sr. Luis Riveros
Dirección postal/postal address: Av. Libertador
  Bernardo O´Higgins 1058
Fax: 6781012

Ministro de Educación: Sr. José Pablo Arellano
Dirección postal/postal address: Av. Libertador
  Bernardo O´Higgins 1317,
Chile. Fax: 6716164

Agencia UPI: Sr. Rodrigo Bustamante(editor)
Dirección postal/ postal address: Nataniel 47,
  piso 9, Santiago, Chile.
Fax: 6986605

Agencia ORBE: Sra. Marisol Freire(editor)
Dirección postal/ postal address: Phillips 56,
  oficina 66, Santiago, Chile.
Fax: 6396826
Please read
this message carefully. Respond if you can.
Would you like to see your work in Zn?



Copyright © 1998 Ted Warnell. All Rights Reserved